

1. (圖援用自原文)

One of the things that we love most about IROS are the completely novel robot designs that show up out of nowhere. MUWA or "Multi-field Universal Wheel for Air-land Vehicle" (and also Japanese for "Dream Ring") is one of these designs: it's a quadrotor surrounded by a circular piece of foam that makes it capable of (among many other things) balancing itself sideways like a wheel and rolling along the ground.

有關智慧型機器人及系統,人們最喜愛的事物之一,是諸多突然出現的全新機器人設計。"-機動車多場地通用輪"(MUWA,日文代表"夢幻環")是此些設計之一。這是一種,邊框由一片使其能像輪子般,自身平衡斜向一側及沿著地面滾動之環狀泡沫材料(如泡沫塑膠、如泡橡膠)組成的四旋轉翼。(IROSIntelligent Robots and Systems)




MUWA's big foam ring makes contact with obstacles, water, or the ground not much of an issue, but the secret to the balancing tricks and wheel motion is that unlike most quadrotors, MUWA is equipped with independently controllable variable pitch propellers (+/- 20 degrees of pitch) that can direct thrust in two opposite directions, allowing it to stand up into a vertical position from the ground:



2. (圖援用自原文)

MUWA can also roll, rotate, and even roll while maintaining an arbitrary angle relative to the ground.



There are a few reasons why these capabilities are relevant. First, it gives the quadrotor ways to move around without always having to expend energy flying. Second, by rolling, MUWA can squeeze through vertical gaps that it wouldn't be able to while flying horizontally. And by getting MUWA to do things like rotate around a point on the ground while changing its angle ("tornado motion," the researchers call it), a Kinect sensor on the robot can rapidly build up a complete 3D map of its surroundings.



The next generation of MUWA promises to be able to use its wheel motion on water, and somehow, it'll also be able to demonstrate "vertical attitude flight."



"MUWA: Multi-field Universal Wheel for Air-land Vehicle with Quad Variable-pitch Propellers," by Koji Kawasaki, Moju Zhao, Kei Okada, and Masayuki Inaba from the University of Tokyo, was presented yesterday at IROS 2013 in Japan.

由來自日本東京大學Koji KawasakiMoju ZhaoKei OkadaMasayuki Inaba等人撰稿,標題「MUWA:具有四個傾斜腳可變螺旋槳的空-陸機動車多場地通用輪」的論文,2013114於日本智慧型機器人及系統會議上被提出。








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